Hebrews 12:5-7 (NKJV)5 And you have forgotten the exhortation which speaks to you as to sons: “My son, do not despise the chastening of the LORD, nor be discouraged when you are rebuked by Him. 6 For whom the LORD loves He chastens,
And scourges every son whom He receives.” 7 If you endure chastening, God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there whom a father does not chasten?
And scourges every son whom He receives.” 7 If you endure chastening, God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there whom a father does not chasten?
Correction and discipline are subjects that most people do not like to deal with, but they are a necessary area in life if we are going to mature. We need discipline as a child to learn what is right and wrong. We also need discipline as an adult because as Christians, we are children of the heavenly Father and need His guidance. If we look at discipline in the way that God does, we can save ourselves a great deal of problems.
First of all, God disciplines us because He loves us. He wants us to stay on the right track so that we can walk in His ways. Secondly, we need to realize what discipline actually is. Discipline is training which aims at increasing in virtue. God does not seek to harshly show negative response to our actions in order to parade His authority. He uses discipline for training, for establishing virtues, and installing proper habits and motives.
Discipline and training take time and commitment. For example, schooling and experience for a career is not accomplished over night. We also must be trained, over time, in order to operate vehicles or machines. In the same way, we need to be committed to read God’s word each day and to pray in order to grow spiritually. We need to actively desire personal holiness, biblical generosity and sharing the gospel. We need to stay willing to the ways of God, committed to do whatever He wants us to do.
God may have to use His discipline over a long period of time in order to establish correct motives and patterns in our life. But the length of time that it takes is usually up to us. The quicker we submit to God’s authority and learn what it is that He wants to teach us, the quicker the trial period will end. But if we resist, the trials may persist and then God may need to use harsher methods.
When God uses harsh correction, it is because we knowingly rebel and disobey His authority. Does this happen every time we step out of line? Not at all, God’s mercy and patience is much greater than His justice. But He will allow us to reap the consequences of wrong behaviors if we reject Him and seek to disobey. The prodigal son had to learn by extreme and harsh methods, but it was what he needed to learn.
God knows our weaknesses and our rebellions. It is in the areas of weakness that He seeks to train and discipline us into correct behavior. But if we openly rebel against Him, He will need to use harsher methods. Solomon calls this foolishness, “A fool despises his father’s instruction, but he who receives correction is prudent”, (Proverbs 15:5, NKJV). It’s up to us, walk with God and win or walk away and be a fool.
Thoughts, comment, objections, prayer requests.
Daniel A. Smith
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