I Corinthians 1:27-31 (NIV)
27 But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. 28 God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are, 29 so that no one may boast before him. 30 It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God—that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption. 31 Therefore, as it is written: “Let the one who boasts boast in the Lord.”
So many people are very willing to boast about their children, their job or their achievements. This may not be bad, but God’s children’s greatest boasting should be in the Lord. There is nothing greater in our life than Jesus, when we know Him as savior. But, so many people stay silent and say nothing. As God’s children, we are His representatives to a lost and needy world.
We can be thankful. God’s qualifications for His representatives are much more different that what the world would demand. God wants to use us no matter who we are. As long as we are willing to follow Him, and humbly submit to His will, He will use us. People in the world view true godly actions as weak or foolish. This is because God’s child, who is walking by the direction of the Spirit of God, will not act or react according to the flesh. Those in the world know nothing but fleshly reactions. So in comparison, godliness is foolish and weak. It is foolish to them to be patient, kind or sacrificially love.
God can use the most humble person the greatest. When we use the gifts that God gave us, the fruit of the spirit becomes evident. It is only because of Christ Jesus that we receive these qualities at salvation, and we can only display them in His power. When we realize this, our boasting will be in the Lord. He is our righteousness, our holiness and our redemption, so without Him we are nothing. In Christ we have everything, but in ourselves we are bankrupt. This is why Jesus needs to be the focal point of our day and our lips. We need to brag on Jesus.
Thoughts, comments, objections, prayer requests.
Daniel A. Smith
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