I Peter 6:6,7 (NKJV)
6 Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, 7 casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.
While walking with God, many times we need to realize that His ways are different from ours. Sometimes they are opposite. Isaiah tells us this, “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the LORD”, (Isaiah 55:8, NKJV). We need to realize that God’s wisdom and knowledge are extremely greater and more infinite than ours. Our response should be to step back in faith and trust Him that He knows what He is doing.
In today’s verse we find that humility will exalt us. Humility is so foreign to the world that we live in that it is not even considered as an option. But God says that He can use us to a greater extent if we display humility. We first of all need to humble ourselves before Him. God cannot use us if pride resides within us. Pride demands that we are in control. But humility realizes that God’s ways are always greater that ours and His ways are the only way to go. We need to always be ready to obey God, no matter what it costs us. Humility shows God that we are His possession and it shows the world and we are God’s possession.
The phrase “in due time” also implies that God’s timing is, many times, different from ours. We want instant answers. We want things done in our timing, but God may need to prepare us, prepare others or the situation in order to answer our prayers perfectly. When God does things in His timing, we will always be amazed at how He worked it out and that He is the only One who could have accomplished this task.
In verse 7 we are told to cast our cares on him because He cares for us. God wants to take responsibility and ownership of handling all of our cares and concerns. This again is so opposite of the ways of the world. Think of a boss. Many times a boss wants to pass off difficult work to others so that they don’t have to deal with. God wants to handle all our cares and difficulties because He loves us and He knows that we are weak. He wants us to be concerned with more important things than the cares of this world. A boss tends to want us to be concerned with the details of the job and not to be caught up with other things. God cares for us and wants to bear the burden instead of us.
Why do we, so often, not want to cast our cares on God? So many times we think that we can handle it better than God. Just remember, give all your concerns and cares to Him and He will work it out much greater than we can. Throw your cares upon Him and don’t take them back. God knows what He’s doing, even when we don’t.
Thoughts, comments, objections, prayer requests.
Daniel A. Smith
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