Thursday, April 12, 2012

How Secure Are You?

1 Peter 1:4-5 (NKJV)
4 to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that does not fade away, reserved in heaven for you, 5 who are kept by the power of God through faith for salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.

Where do you find security and comfort? Many find security in money, things, power, authority, position, control and many other forms of self-contrived security. As we analyze these verses, we will find that Jesus Christ is the only security that exists. He even goes above and beyond our greatest imagination to grant us ultra-security.

When we repent of our sins and trust Jesus as our savior, we now have a promise from God that we will receive an inheritance. This inheritance includes the special privileges that only a child of the King receives. This means that heaven is for sure. God’s word and His promises are rock solid and Peter shows how sure our hope of heaven is in Christ.

Our inheritance is incorruptible. Another word for this is imperishable. God’s promise of heaven for the believer is beyond the ability to decay. God’s promises cannot happen in any other way other than what He says. We are also told that this promise is undefiled or unsoiled. God’s promises are fully pure and only good. He would not promise anything that would hurt us in any way at all. His love is fully pure and only good.

God’s promise of heaven does not fade away. His promises and His word are as strong and sure today as the day that He promised them. Heaven is also reserved for the child of God. This has the idea that it is guarded for the sake of His children. Nothing can change this and thus the believer can rest securely in the fact that God’s promises do not change.

Peter then switches to us in vs. 5. God first promises us heaven. He also secures us as eternally His forever. To be kept by the power of God has the idea of being guarded by military enforcement. God’s heart wants to be with His children so tremendously that He secures us unto Himself at the moment of belief in Christ throughout eternity. This cannot be broken and it is eternally secure. God cannot lie and He jealously desires our love to be devoted to Him alone. When we love Him with our whole heart, we then can love others as God desires us to.

All of this happens at the moment of salvation through faith. But, He does not take us out of this world instantly, because we must carry out His work. So, we will endure much pain and difficulty on this earth. Christ will return soon and our hope of heaven will then be actualized. When we are in Christ there is no greater security.

Thoughts, comment, objections.

Daniel A. Smith

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